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There are several ways to get the MarINvaders toolkit running.

Running in the cloud through Binder

If you just want to try it, the easiest possibility is to start the tutorial in the Binder cloud:


Local installation

MarINvaders is registered at PyPI and at conda-forge for installation within a conda environment. To install use

``` bash
pip install MariINvaders --upgrade
``` bash
conda update -c conda-forge MarINvaders

We recommend to use (ana)conda environments or Python virtual environments for that:


Minimum Python version: 3.7

In the terminal create a new virtual environment inside a directory you want to use the toolkit:

python3 -m venv env

This will create new directory venv

Activate the virtual environment:

source env/bin/activate

and install the toolkit:

pip install MarINvaders --upgrade

If you are using JupyterLab you can make the marinvaders environment visible as new kernel with:

source env/bin/activate

pip install ipykernel 

ipython kernel install --user --name=marinvaders


The new kernel will be visible in your base JuypterLab (or reload the page of an already running instance).


Minimum conda version: 4.6

In the terminal create a new conda environment:

conda create env --name marinvaders -c conda-forge marinvaders

This will create new environment marinvaders with marinvaders already installed.

To use the environment with

conda activate marinvaders

If you are using JupyterLab you can make the marinvaders environment visible as new kernel with:

conda activate marinvaders

conda install ipykernel 

ipython kernel install --user --name=marinvaders

conda deactivate

The new kernel will be visible in your base JuypterLab (or reload the page of an already running instance).

Development installation

For development, clone the repository. In the repository you will find a file * environment_dev.yml * which contains the specs for the development environment. You can set this up locally by

`conda create env -f environment_dev.yml`

The name of the resulting environment is * marinvaders_dev *, activate it with

`conda activate marinvaders_dev`

Please also check for Contribution documentation for further development guidelines.